Brain Teaser IQ Test: Can you spot who is from the future in 10000 BC Picture within 9 seconds?

In the below image, you need to identify who is from the future. In the picture, you can see the cavemen and women performing their daily tasks in the era of 10000 B.C.

A caveman is trying to ignite a fire by rubbing stones. One cavewoman is making drawings on stones and another is cooking food over a wood fire. Two cavemen are bringing water and one caveman is holding a wood log. But there is one person in the picture who is from the future.

So, can you identify who is from the future?

You are required to look at the image carefully before answering the question as the answer is quite simple but tricky. As a heads up, the answers to this brain teaser have been given right below the question, so make sure you don’t scroll too far and cheat!

Brain Teaser Answer

If you look carefully at the cavemen and women inside the 10000 BC picture, you will be able to identify the person who is from the future. The person from the future is the man who is bringing water and is on the right side of the picture. He is carrying a flashlight which was invented in the 1890s.

So, the answer to this mental quiz is the caveman carrying the flashlight is from the future and might have time traveled to 10000 BC in the picture. This brain teaser was a simple test of your intelligence and observation skills. It required lateral thinking to solve the puzzle within a time bracket.

So tell us, did you spot who is from the future in the 10000 BC picture?

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