You have 20/20 vision if you can find butterfly among the flowers in 15 seconds

The delightful brainteaser will put your observation skills to the test.

Brainteasers are puzzles or problems designed to stimulate cognitive functions and challenge the mind.

They often require creative thinking, problem-solving skills, and sometimes a bit of lateral thinking to solve.

One interesting brainteaser shared by the experts SunLife challenges you to spot the butterfly among the flowers.

This vibrant image seems like a picture-perfect spring scene, but a delicate butterfly has cleverly camouflaged itself amongst the colourful blooms.

The catch here is that you have to find the butterfly in 30 seconds. So set your timer on and start looking.

So did you manage to spot the butterfly yet?

It is believed only those with a 20/20 vision can find the hidden butterfly.

Don’t worry if you did not manage to find it, we can share the answer for you – circled in black below.

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